• Are you in a constant power struggle with your partner—arguing more than connecting?

  • Is your marriage crumbling due to an affair, separation, or lack of a loving connection?

  • You can’t remember the last time you had passionate sex. Where’s the spark you used to have?

Then this Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive is for you!

Like hundreds of other couples, you too can make a turnaround in your marriage in only 4 hours.


This Intensive Is Right For You If You're...

  • Considering separation or divorce

  • Trying to make it work and your spouse has checked out

  • Struggling to survive an affair

  • Feeling "not in love" and have grown apart

  • Tired of fighting about everything

  • Unhappy in your marriage

If you have lost your connection and loving feeling, are separated, have had an affair, are planning to divorce, or are seeing your marriage crumble before your eyes for some other reason – then the Urgent Relationship Repair VIP live Intensive is for you!

This is a four hours highly interactive no-nonsense live virtual intensive experience with Dr. Ada. 

It's a combination of. . .

  • exploring negative patterns of relating,

  • "first aid" measures,

  • extreme personal responsibility and commitment,

  • positive connection challenge, and

  • visioning.

  • It's perfect for a quick turnaround that will fill you with hope and create the perfect foundation for making wise decisions about your next steps. 

I understand your fears, struggles, and hesitations. You are in a very negative place right now. But I'm convinced that . . .  

. . . You deserve better! You can Co-create the relationship of your dreams! 

To get there, you both need to:

  • Embrace a total commitment to transforming your relationship by leaving your hesitation behind, letting go of the need for control, and welcoming in a new level of connection.

  • Stop tearing each other down, eliminating negativity. Allow for more pleasure in your lives by focusing your energy and intention on creating positivity, connection, and intimacy.

  • Get a clear vision of where you are now, where you want to be, what’s been stopping you, and how to get there.

No matter if. . .

  • You have "tried everything" and nothing seems to work anymore;

  • You have read many self-help books and listened to podcasts but can't find a way to apply them;

  • You have sought advice from friends, family, counselors, and even your pastor, but can't get out of the negative spiral you have fallen into and fear your relationship might be over;

You’re in the right place! There is hope and I want to help you turn around your relationship.

I know you are tired of struggling and want to recapture and develop the intimate, happy relationship of your dreams. You have good intentions. You want to save your marriage, and you are desperately looking for the right kind of help.  

You have tried on your own to dissolve the entanglements and release the negativity. Yet, the transition back to love is hard, and you’re exhausted and feel as if your energy is being wasted on trying to save your relationship.

You feel spent instead of passionately in love. You have been talking about divorce and are almost ready to go see a lawyer. Every day leaves you wondering: “Where did our love go? 

The problem is many people, even trained professionals, mean well, but don't have the correct training in helping people in crisis situations. Therefore, when the situation is too overwhelming for them to understand, they tell you that there is no hope.

But you need to know that they are wrongThere is hope.

This turnaround relationship Repair VIP intensive is the catalyst your marriage needs to start changing and transforming into a happy, strong, loving relationship.

You don't have to do this alone!

I have extraordinary training and experience. For over 30 years, I have been helping thousands of people save their marriages from many different situations, such as:

  • Affairs

  • Control

  • Loss of Connection

  • Lack of Communication

  • Sexless Marriages

  • Conflict

For all of these and other situations, there is help and there is hope. But you have to understand what happened, how to fix it, and how to do things differently. 



Of course, I can’t guarantee that if you participate in the intensive it will save your marriage. That depends on your willingness to change, follow through with the suggestions, and your decisions.

But I can guarantee you will have a much better chance at love and success.  Even if you decide to get out of your relationship, you will be able to calmly discuss your issues and have a clear path to follow.  If you keep reading this page, you will have all the information you need about the program.

I would like to help you save your marriage. 

I have an MA in Developmental Psychology. I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the State of Delaware. I also have a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies, with an emphasis on coaching, adult change, and dialogue.  I’m committed to helping couples learn how to have Transformative Conversations® that connect and turn around their relationship.

By participating in this intensive, you’ll start your path back to eliminate arguing, re-establishing your connection, and getting out of crisis mode so that passion and intimacy can increase. By learning a different way of talking and relating, you will see power struggles and fear dissolve and you will start to trust again.

I use methods rooted in human development, spirituality, and psychology. I share proven old and new techniques from the field of marriage and relationship therapy, biblical wisdom, and the new field of brain neuropsychology. 

After building a marriage and life my partner and I love, I now support my clients to transform their own relationships from crisis and negativity into one of clear communication, loving connection, and faithful commitment.

How does a VIP Intensive work?

You can attend The Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive in an online on a platform that lets you participate live, from the comfort of your home. You will get all the details you need after you register. And it's a very simple process.

The content of the intensive is a blend of tried and true scientific research as well as the best techniques that have actually been implemented into the lives of thousands of couples. It uses evidence-based techniques that work when people are in crisis.

In just 1/2 a day, you will learn and be equipped with tools that actually work in marriages facing crises. These tools have been fine-tuned over 30 years of working with real marriages in real crises and desperate situations. The tools I will share have also been validated by the best research on what makes a strong marriage work.

Instead of spending months in counseling or even weeks scouring the internet, reading books, or seeking advice from people who are not trained, you can spend 4 hours learning new ways to relate that will set you on the right path to completely change the future of your marriage.

When you are under constant stress or experience a crisis, you can become overwhelmed. Your brain gets overloaded with stress chemicals, which inhibit your capacity to think clearly and to cope.

You get flooded with all kinds of negative feelings and seem to be drowning. Shock, grief, anger, and despair seem to take over and you can’t experience strength or make rational decisions.

This Intensive teaches you how to go from crisis to a positive path of hope and love. Not only will the way you interact with your spouse change for the better (no matter what happens going forward) but you will regain self-respect and confidence in God's plans for yourself.

By attending the Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive you'll learn how to stop the pain and get back on track. I've surveyed hundreds of couples and their most common causes for crisis include difficulties with communication, needing more time together, fighting, and wanting to be more connected and affectionate in their marriage. 

On top of these, many couples are afraid of their partner having an affair or have already been impacted by infidelity. That's why the VIP Intensive teaches you how to heal from pain and move forward to have the happy, thriving marriage you desire.

What Does The Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive Cover?

We cover a lot of basic material to help you get out of the crisis. Here are some brief highlights of what you will experience:

  • The neuroscience of love: How the chemicals in your brain interact with your feelings of love and connection. You will learn how to mix the right "brain cocktail" for getting yourself out of crisis and into experiencing love again. You will understand how people fall out of love and how they can fall in love again. If an affair has affected your marriage, we will also cover how affairs happen, what is needed for an affair to end, and how to "affair-proof" your marriage.

  • Tools to transform conflict into connection: You will receive the guidelines you need to transform the way that you and your spouse communicate. You will learn how to manage conflict so that both of you can be winners!

  • Clarity and peace: Some people who attend the intensive are trying to decide whether or not they want to save their marriage. During our time together, you will learn what you need to know so that you can have peace about whatever decision you make moving forward.

  • From negativity to positivity: You will find out how negativity affects yourself and your marriage and how to jumpstart the positivity circuit to create heart-connection energy in your relationship.

  • Leave with new hope and a new plan for going forward: At the end of the Urgent Relationship VIP Intensive, you will have a game plan for how to move forward with your marriage. You will understand more about yourself and your partner, and you will have new hope for the future.


There is much more that could be covered, but this 1/2 day intensive is an emergency procedure to help you turn around your marriage from crisis to a positive path of hope and love. Not only will the way you interact with your spouse change for the better (no matter what happens going forward) but you will regain self-respect and confidence in God's plans for you.

I respect everyone. I promise I won't judge you for whatever happened that led to your marriage crisis. I'm more interested in helping you find your way out of your current crisis.

By attending the Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive you'll learn how to stop the pain and get back on track

I've surveyed hundreds of couples and their most common causes for being in crisis include difficulties with communication, needing more time together, fighting, and wanting to be more connected and affectionate in their marriage.  

On top of the above reasons, many couples are afraid of their partner having an affair or have already been impacted by infidelity. That's why the Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive teaches you how to heal from pain and have the happy, thriving marriage you desire.

What’s Included in the package

The Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive is a proven step-by-step 1/2 day intervention with Dr. Ada. It is designed as an emergency intervention to coach you into turning around your marriage from conflict and despair into a connected and happy relationship.

This Intensive can even help if only one spouse follows it. This is a first-of-it's-kind crisis intervention solution where you can participate in person or from your computer in the privacy of your own home. The program focuses on the key skills and information that, when applied, will quickly turn around your marriage. 

The Intensive includes:

  • A 1/2 day live personal education and coaching with Dr. Ada helping to build skills and concepts to take you out of crisis and back to clarity and hope so that you can fall back in love, rekindle the passion and save your marriage. ($2,800.00 Value)  

  • 2 Easy Exercises to help you calm down and feel connected again ($75.00 Value)

  • You'll get practical positive steps to take each day for the next 21 days to get you back to positivity ($49.00 Value)

  • You'll get "Do's and don'ts of communication" to see results right away ($47.00 Value)

  • BONUS # 1: One video: Reclaim Intimacy: 5 Secrets for reigniting your love life even if you have run out of fuel! ($49.00 value)

  • BONUS #2: A 30 minutes individual coaching call ($150.00 value) 

  • BONUS #3: Access to a FB group where you can receive tips, ask questions, and post results. ($400.00 value)

    Regularly, if you were doing this program one-on-one with me, the price is $3,500.00. Because this time I’m offering the program in a small group setting live, online, I have done a drastic price reduction. You will pay only $497.00. This is very a radical discount. You are paying only 14% of the regular price. Don’t miss out. Take advantage of it NOW!

My Urgent Relationship Repair VIP Intensive is unique because it teaches key skills that are focused, impactful, and proven to quickly have a dramatic effect on dealing with your crisis. By teaching these skills and concepts I have helped hundreds of couples in my practice. I can help you, too!

I offer this VIP Intensive only a few times a year, and it’s very special, and because I take a limited number of couples, seats go fast. Take action, and SECURE YOUR SPOT right now!

If you still have questions, you can schedule a call with me to clarify any doubts you might have.

If you want to attend the Urgent Relationship VIP Intensive, but you feel like you can't afford it, you better rethink the importance of investing on this! Keep reading.

I know you feel this intensive costs a lot of money, think about the alternative. Divorce is costly!

According to The Law Offices of William J. Neary, a law firm based in Connecticut, the average cost of divorce is between $15,000 and $30,000. Just filing for divorce alone can be as high as $409 in some states. 

An uncontested divorce can cost between $400 and $1000 for the paperwork alone! A contested divorce can range between $8,000 and $135,000 or more. If the settlement is contested after it's done, it can continue to cost you money over years and years.

And those are just the legal fees. . . You also lose half of your net worth. You'll split whatever you have in your savings and retirement accounts, you'll split the equity in your home, and you'll split the value of all of your assets. So in real numbers, the average family between 35 and 55 has a net worth of $74,963.00 according to Nielsen Criteria and CNN Money. That means you could potentially lose up to $37,482.

Then on top of the MASSIVE LOSS in net worth and legal fees, you'll have to maintain two separate homes. The average cost for maintaining a home including rent or mortgage, utilities, food, repairs, etc ranges between $30,000 and $100,000 per year. If you have kids, one of you will likely end up paying child support for an average of $5,400 per year and additional childcare expenses of at least $5000 per year. So on the low end, a divorced person's average yearly expenses go up by $41,000 per year.

Between the impact on your net worth and the increased expenses, it could take years to get back on your feet financially again.

And this is only the financial cost! What about the emotional cost for both you and your children?

So if you think about it, you easily spend the amount this challenge costs on other material things that are not as important. Isn't your marriage worth the investment? 

The return on your investment will be peace, better intimacy, a new positive way of relating, and a much happier life. What are you waiting for? Take action and secure your seat right now!