ReIgnite Program

Rekindle Your Passion BlueprintUnlock Connection and Intimacy With the 3C’s (Commit, Communicate, And Connect)

A Program for busy driven couples who want to prevent their relationship from dying. How to go from disconnect and bickering to understanding, intimacy, and a passionate connection.  

  • Are you in a constant power struggle with your partner—arguing more than connecting?

  • Has your sex life stalled? Is sex a distant memory?

  • Do you look over at your spouse and wonder where the excitement and deep love went?

You deserve better! Extraordinary Relationship Happiness is possible! 

Join the Rekindle Your Passion Blueprint Mastermind to learn how The 3 C’s – Communication, Commitment, and Connection – lead to a lasting heart connection.

To get there, you both need to:

  • Embrace a total commitment to transforming your relationship by leaving your fears behind, letting go of the need for control, and welcoming in a new level of closeness.

  • Ditch tearing each other down and allow for more pleasure in your lives. Learn how to focus your energy and intention on creating positivity, connection, and intimacy.

  • Get a clear vision of where you are now, where you want to be, what’s been stopping you, and how to get there.

No matter if you are struggling. . .

If you are worrying that if things don’t change your relationship will end, or one of you could have an affair. . . This program is for you.

If there’s defensiveness and a wall between you. . . This program is for you.

If stress and lack of time don’t let you reflect for to long. . . except at night, when it’s getting harder and harder to sleep. . . This program is for you.

If when you try to turn to your partner for physical comfort, the other seems too busy or tired to care. . . This program is for you.

If you don’t know how to get out of the negative spiral you have fallen into and fear your relationship might be over. . . This program is for you.

I understand your fears, struggles, and hesitations. You’re in the right place!

What you need the most right now is. . .

The right tips and strategies that will take you to

  • Reconnect with your partner

  • Rekindle joy and love.

  • Time to focus and renew.

  • More peace and harmony in your relationship.

  • A way to break-proof your relationship.

  • A spark to re-Ignite your passion and your intimacy.

You need to join the Re-Ignite Program: Rekindle Your Passion Blueprint

This is a comprehensive program: a 6-modules, 6-months long program.

Who is it for?

It’s for you if you are a couple with a very busy lifestyle and feel you don’t have time to focus on your relationship. Could be mid-thirties to mid-fifties. As a result, you sometimes feel you are living with a stranger who you don’t know anymore.

It seems the only times you communicate are when you need to problem-solve or when stress and misunderstandings flare into conflict.

You miss the conversations and the connection you used to share.

You can’t remember the last time you had passionate sex and wonder where’s the spark you used to have.

It’s for you if you want to commit to doing your best to regain respect and get along.

It’s also for you if you’re currently so busy that you hardly talk to each other, or take time for fun and sex anymore.

You will learn the basic knowledge and practical skills that can help you rewrite your love story and relight the spark of passionate love.

In the group virtual version, through recorded audio, written content, and coaching group calls, I will help you create new ways of thinking, talking, and behaving.

Instead of negativity and arguments, you will learn how to focus your energy and intention to go from conflict to restoring your heart connection. You will then be able to have an extraordinary and happy love life that will last forever.

In the higher-end VIP individual version, you will get weekly access to me and the content will be individualized to your specific situation.

Key Features of the program: 

The Intimacy Builder Blueprint is 6 modules long and is filled with information, suggestions, questions, and tips. You will gain knowledge and practical skills for having a more intimate relationship. Be prepared to explore, practice, and change. In our time together, you and your partner will focus intensively on your relationship. Here is the general outline of what you will learn:

  • Module one: Choose to face the truth of where you are, what have you tried, and where you want to be. You can’t move forward until you are willing to take personal responsibility for facing reality and initiating personal change. This means to face what needs to be faced, see what needs to be seen, hear what needs to be heard, feel what needs to be felt, and do what needs to be done. No ifs, and, or buts allowed. It works every time! This includes understanding how negative emotions derail you, and how to take control of your mind and emotions.

  • Module two: Choose commitment and trust to build up and heal instead of tearing down and depleting your love bank. Commit to giving priority to your relationship. Learn how to focus more on the positive to grow your “emotional bank.” Practice what works for you as a couple (instead of focusing on what does not work). Substitute complaining, criticizing, and fault-finding with tolerance, kindness, and positive action for a more open and happy relationship. Take responsibility for your own issues.  

  • Module three: Choose open communication instead of defensiveness and conflict. Learn communication and listening skills for creating mutual understanding. Practice how to say what you mean and mean what you say. Choose to reveal yourself fully, honestly, and directly in a way that invites support and interaction instead of eliciting defensiveness, conflict, and anger. Learn to listen by focusing your whole attention and making sure you understand the meaning behind the words. Share stories and dreams. 

  • Module four: Choose intimacy instead of distance. Learn how to be “emotionally naked” and share the whole of you, not only what you think the other wants to hear. Learn to do this with tact and love. Learn what real authenticity is and how it can transform your relationship.

  • Module five: Choose connection instead of rejection. Learn how to deal with conflict in a constructive way. Understand the art of negotiation and compromise in a fair way. Learn how to forgive and be more accepting and respectful. Be connected partners instead of resentful roommates. Share more positive affection, admiration, and connecting actions. Experience more closeness and attachment.

  • Module six: Choose passion instead of shame. Physical touch and good sexual connection strengthen the bond of love. Don’t cheat yourself and your partner by withholding physical intimacy as punishment. Learn how to put the sizzle back into your sex life by learning practical insights on how to warm up and add spice to sex. It starts way before foreplay! 

Here is a graphic that gives you a bird-view of the program.


SCHEDULE a call with me right away for a free 25 min. “Rekindled Your Love and Intimacy Strategy Session” call where we will also explore if you are a good fit for this program.